Tuesday, September 07, 2010

we are young, but not too young anymore.

caught step up 3D over the weekend with my boy.
finally a movie together admist our busy schedule though it made us $29 poorer.
can't wait for liveoffcoupons to be launched.

p/s: my brother is starting up a new business where he'd be selling discount coupons on his webby.
deals coming up include $5 movie tickets from Cathy, discounted meal coupons for Waraku and more.
do watch out for my shout out on facebook for my details. (;

"food for thought" from the movie:
one of the actors was saying that he dances to be someone different while the lead actor said that the way one dances shows a lot about him/her.
HMMM makes me wonder what does my dancing says about me. :p

i totally admire the characters for their undying passion for dance and how they are able to do the things that they like as a living.

no need for paper chase, no need for branded dresses/bags/shoes, expensive cars and houses to prove your worth.
decked in whatever they are comfortable in, ( i.e. sports bra, jacket, comfy pants, etc) they dance to show the world who they really are, and that is what touches me the most about the movie.

if i were given a chance, i would love to do the tings that i like for a living.
but how many of us actually get to do so or have the courage/talent to do so?

i like to sing and let my body move to the music but im just not good enough to do it professionally nor do i have the money to take up serious lessons.
even if i do take up the challenge to save and learn, what is my next step from here?
will i be able to earn enough to survive or do i have to struggle to get by?

like i said, not all of us are lucky enough to be able to pursue what we like or brave enough to have the courage to do what we like as a living.
sure i could be selfish and pursue what i wanted but who will be putting the rice on the table for my family?

so most of us just end up following the crowd, report to office 9-5 and beyond, take home wages to put rice on the table and hopefully retire by 65.
how many of us are trapped in this cycle, want to break out of it and yet can't?

no one can or should dictate your life.
so do yourself a favour, give some serious thought to what or how you want your life to be.
plan, map it out.
we are young, but not too young anymore.

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