Friday, December 03, 2010

R for random thoughts.

the thing about me is that even if you tell me it's painful to bang my head on the wall, i will still bang my head against it just so that i can experience the pain that you are talking about.

im not afraid of pain or failure.
failures are all part of the bigger picture named success.
even if i did not succeed, i can proudly look you in the eye and tell you that ive tried.
or in thomas edison's words, "I did not see those as failures. I simply found out what was not suitable to make the light bulb."

i dont think being in the society has changed me, but it has taught me not to allow myself to be shortchanged.
sometimes im a little afraid that i might spin out of control in the bid to protect myself but thank god i did not allowed that to happen.

2010 is coming to an end really fast.
there are some things in 2010 which i simply dont understand and probably never will.
there are some times which i tell myself, "live and let live" but im simply too steadfast to my values and principles i can't let it slide.

respect is not demanded, it is earned no matter who you are.
if you dont practice what you preach, respect is something that you will never earn from me; i will never forget how you treated me like i didn't matter.
next time, buy a tape recorder or use your phone to record your words and remember your lies before you open your eyes big big and lie right in my face.

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